Characteristics of Victims
Someone who experiences bullying might be:
Afraid to go to school
Crying all the time or looking upset
Afraid to hang out with some children
Eating less than normal at break times or
lunch time
Feeling sick and having a pain in the
stomach regularly
Having bruises
Having school books or bags being torn or
Sitting alone at break times or at lunchtime
Looking worried or nervous at break times
or at lunchtime
By identifying some of these signs, you could
recognise that someone is being bullied.
Characteristics of Bullies
They may have problems at home. Children
who live in an aggressive environment and
witness violence may bring this behaviour
to school.
They may think that picking on others
makes them look cool or hard in the eyes of
their classmates.
They could be jealous of other children and
seek more attention for themselves.
They may not know how to be a good friend.
They may not realise how bad they make the
person feel.